Stardate 2024.03.23

Gushing Over Magical Girls

It's everyone's favorite time of the month, blog time! Now with 66.6% less complaining!

So, first big news: HOLY HELL WE ALREADY HIT 20k VIEWS? Who are you people and where do you keep coming from? I wanna know so I can break down the wall and let more of you in! Not sure how Neocities tracks page views, whether it's unique visitors or each page loaded (and whether or not that includes my own when testing new pages), but hey, number go up make brain happy, so I'm feeling good about that either way!

Next, I wanna talk about some major site updates that I've finally finished and will continue adding to. I just uploaded 4 years worth (about 275~ total) of pinup doodles I've been surreptitiously scribbling on post-it notes at work while my boss isn't looking, and created a whole page viewer system for them in the Art section of the site. There will be more of these on the way, too! Also going to add page viewer and gallery views for some of the other comics and select illustrations I've made over the years, dating back to my early DeviantArt days, so there's plenty more of that in store.

Planning on eventually putting together some similar upgrades to the Music and Writing sections of the site as well. Now that I'm not bound by the limits of the 1GB free storage option on Neocities, I feel like I should really just be hosting everything on-site rather than linking to the other sites they're already hosted on like Bandcamp and AO3. Undecided if I should post everything I've ever written (including short fanfics) or just the Best Of, but I'll figure it out soon enough. As for the Music, I want to create a cleaner gallery view page with more detailed subpages for each album, and include a playable sampler pack kind of thing as a preview so you don't have to click through to Bandcamp to hear a bit of it. Lot of work to be done there, but I think it will be worth it!

Watch List reviews have slowed down considerably since I've been working on the Post-It section, but I'm still working on them. Slow progress is still progress.

And speaking of slow progress, the new album is also in super slow mode. I keep thinking I'm much closer to done than I actually am, partly because I keep getting better ideas, and partly because I keep stopping to focus on other things. I can't call myself a musician by trade, but only because music is only ONE of the many hats I wear. The best way to keep myself from going mad is to keep switching up my primary focus, which means everything takes longer to finish, but I never get burnt out on anything in the process. It's coming eventually, I promise!

As far as stuff outside the site goes, things are getting better! My wife has a new job that she loves, I'm halfway over the hump of the no-holiday stretch of the year, I've been steadily attacking the unplayed games pile, and I've been happily collecting more physical media of semi-obscure anime and music. Still having heating and ceiling dripping issues, and the rent increased again this year because of course it did, but as long as I only think about one unfathomable and unconquerable nightmare at a time, the existential horrors can never get me! That's life under capitalism, baby!

A shorter entry this month, but that's all I have to talk about right now. Time to get back to more important matters. Until next time!

The Real Sabella


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