Stardate 2023.08.06

First blog entry! No idea how I'm gonna implement this "blog" feature just yet, so for now just treat this as a "News" section.

Very excited to finally have a rough draft of the website in place! Not much to it, but it has all my stuff and I have complete control over everything here, no threat of copyright strikes or algorithmic content feeds or porn bans. It's good to feel "in charge" again.

I'll be the first to say I'm still not very confident in my art skills, but I've been drafting up a new idea for a webcomic and I'm really pushing to get over my inhibitions about "skill level" and just make the damn thing. This has to be like the fifth time I've said I'm gonna do a webcomic, and the size, scope, theme, and tone of it changes every single time. So now I'm forcing myself to stick to a simple idea. One-shot, contained story, simple premise, ride or die. I'm really gonna push for it!

In other news, bought some lovely new additions to the physical media library recently that I'm glad to have my hands on. I've been finding myself hunting for DVD bargains again and genuinely surprised at some of the things I've found lately. Kipo & The Age of Wonderbeasts, complete 3 season series for only $15??? Hot damn! Not to mention, finally got my hands on a complete set of Strawberry Marshmallow for dirt cheap, so that's another hole in my library finally filled. Look forward to some weird one-offs coming in the pipeline for the Watch List soon...

Finally, gonna keep trying to do what I can to wean myself off Big Name Social Media going forward, direct all traffic here instead. I love the friends I've made here and there, but with the constantly devolving state of things on those sites, I don't see a need to keep circling those drains, and no matter how many Alternative sites they make, none of them are going to truly offer what Twitter and Tumblr used to have that made them what they were back then. I genuinely think personal websites are gonna be the way to go if we want to maintain some semblance of sanity going forward.

That said, I've been adding a whole menagerie of friends' websites to the Links section, so if you've stopped by to read this, please take some time to peruse their sites as well, as they're some of the coolest people I know!

More updates coming regularly! Bookmark me and come back some time, ok?! Love ya!

Lexxxi Luxe
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