
Here you'll find my personal Reviews of the various cartoons, anime, and TV shows I've watched, both current and older alike. I started keeping track of shows to watch back in 2006 or so, and I've watched over 500 different series since then (!) - popular and obscure, beloved and hated, whatever sounds interesting to me - but I only started writing Reviews for them very recently. I don't intend on writing a Review for EVERY show I watch, just the ones I want to highlight or have something interesting to say about.

In all honesty, the reason I started writing reviews is because I hate the way most other people write theirs. Conflicting opinions aside, most reviews I read don't actually tell me much about the show (often for fear of...*GASP*...spoilers), and often feel very cold and disingenuine, coming off like more of a report card than an actual opinion.

My ideal review is one that engages with the show in question, on its own terms, and provides an equal measure of information and honest opinions. Critique is useful, but it's far more interesting when applied to an existing opinion, not a clinical analysis or summation of the show's individual parts. Genuinely, I believe every show in existence has something worthwhile to offer, and are almost NEVER as bad as people say they are!

Anyway, use these links to browse the full selection of my Reviews. This section will be updated very frequently!