Music Portal

Welcome to the Music portal! This is going to be a big and constantly-evolving part of the site where I post all kinds of music-related stuff, including my own original tunes and remixes, lists and links of all the music in my personal collection (coming soon???), and even some old cringey AMVs I made 15+ years ago!

I make a sort of anything-goes Digital Fusion style of music, mostly instrumental synth jams inspired by quirky 80s pop, NES chiptunes, old school prog rock, fusion jazz, and even folk music from around the world. You can always listen to all songs across all albums over on Bandcamp, and some of the older stuff is also streaming on Spotify and YouTube Music. New songs will NOT be posted to Spotify because Spotify does not care about musicians and pays them absolute dirt. No thanks!

On-site music player and other cool stuff coming eventually!

Loose Change

Here are some songs I created that aren't part of any albums or collections. Some were commissioned, some were just silly ideas I had. All of these songs are free to download!

Beyond Good & Evil: Akuda Bar remix

^ Download this track ^

Skye Blue (theme song for Bluebird by Marc Quill)

^ Download this track ^

Get A Clue, Wonder Kid! (private commission)

^ Download this track ^

Dungeon Minutes (theme song for Dungeon Minutes podcast)

^ Download this track ^

Metal Gear Mollusk (made for an unfinished game jam)

^ Download this track ^

My Albums

Subjectively Real Experience is my latest full album, and tells a story of a cutie being abducted by aliens in the dead of night, spirited away to a distant planet, and forced to work under a capitalist monarchy. She joins up with a band of resistance fighters and revolts against the oppressors, and with her help, plots to melt down the whole operation and blow up the moon in the process, leaving her fate to be determined by the stars. It's a fun romp through some of my favorite genres, and comprises my most ambitious attempts at composition and live playing to date! Give it a listen and let me know what you think!

Cover art by the excellent Specks_Art!

Incoming Transmission is a collection of short little ringtones and alarm jingles I made on a whim. I know it's considered cringe to use custom ringtones these days (other than lo-fi video game music, that is), but I am nothing if not a Cringe Lord myself, so I made them anyway. I even use them on my own phone! Anyway, it's 33 ringtones for $3.33 USD, can't beat that!

Cover art by the wonderful and talented Diddy Doo!

From Stardust We Came is my (first) video game music cover album! Every song on this collection is a cover of some little piece of VGM I love, but the catch is that most of them are pretty obscure choices, and the ones that are known have been re-tooled to a completely different vibe. I love messing with expectations! I'm extremely proud of my "Cursed Towers" cover from Dragon Quest IV, and for perhaps being one of the very few people to cover music from a Wizardry game. I'll probably do another of these cover albums in the future, so stay tuned?

Cover art by my lovely friend Diesel! Be sure to catch her on Twitch as well!

Nonbinary Star is easily my most popular album, for several reasons! This album features my two most well-known tracks, a cover of "On Little Cat Feet" from OneShot, as well as a remix of Jeen O'Brien singing "What's The Big Deal" from the cult classic Canadian cartoon Ruby Gloom. This was also the last album I put on Spotify, so it's probably the most accessible thing I've released so far. I like to think I've improved a lot since I made these songs, but I'm still very proud of them!

Cover art by my incredibly cool and drop-dead gorgeous friend Castpixel!

Rocket Fuel represents a real turning point in my musical journey, as I feel like these are some of the strongest songs I've ever made, but I made them before I started understanding the production aspects of music, so while they're musically very interesting, they also sound a bit "flat" by comparison to the newer stuff. That doesn't mean I consider this a weaker album - far from it! - but a very important part of developing my sound. I still think "Plasmatic Whisper" is still one of the coolest songs and song titles I've ever come up with. And you just HAVE to listen to "Ninja Kick The Damn Rabbit" if you recognize the quote!

Cover art by the awesome Milkiest! Hope you're doing well wherever you are, buddy!

Satellite Radio only has 10 songs on it, but you can really taste the experimental nature of it. This was me learning how to use FL Studio in full swing, with no background in music or understanding of audio mixing or production. I was just out here twiddling knobs and trying weird ideas and drenching everything in reverb until I thought it sounded good enough! I was still entrenched in that 80s synthpop sound I was trying to emulate back then, but there's a lot of other genre fuckery going on in songs like "Blue Moon Coccoon". Also I'm still proud of the Mega Man 6 cover I did here!

Cover art by my good friend and fellow weird kink enthusiast Roman Vee!

Transgalactic was a huge turning point for my musical style and sound for a few reasons! One, this album marks the switch from MilkyTracker to FL Studio, so there's a lot more effects and instrumentation for me to mess around with. Two, I started wholeheartedly embracing the 80s synthpop influence to help me learn how to write better songs. You can hear this very clearly in "Dream Queens" - my discount copyright free knock-off of "Shattered Dreams" by Johnny Hates Jazz - and "Infinite Milkshake". Bless the people who packaged the Ogun VST with FL Studio, as that's what dominates the overall sound of the album. Not my best work in hindsight, but still worth checking out!

Cover art by the indomitable and always cooler than me Leftcircle!

What can I say about Lunar Tunes? I was still using MilkyTracker for this album and had just filled up my library with a host of new samples, eager to try them all out. I was also getting really experimental in the types of music I wanted to make, convinced I could just throw things together in a blender and it would sound alright in the end. Looking back, I miss having that kind of confidence! What the hell was I even thinking with tracks like "Arachnid Sects"??? Might be time to find a way to rekindle that recklessly adventurous spirit going forward...

Cover art by the wonderful and multi-talented Mudiknives!

Astral Projections certainly was a step forward in...a direction. Here I was with no formal training but a rabid appetite for learning and a wildly eclectic taste in music, eager to make...something! So I drew on a vast wellspring of influences and inspirations and just kind of let myself go hog wild. That's why the album opens with what I think of as a bastardized intro song for a foreign knock-off Super Mario Bros game (inspired by the wacky events of Stephenplays' Super Mario 3D World Let's Play)! Nearly every other song on this album was loosely inspired by a character from a thing I liked, but the logic behind each of those ideas is a bit fuzzy now. Still some cool ideas buried here though. Check it out!

Cover art by the unbelievably rad Helvetica Blanc!

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