Stardate 2024.04.21

Ashlee Renee
No you're not interrupting anything important, honestly!

Aha, I bet you thought I was gonna do something special for 4/20, didn't you? Well you're wrong. Not because I don't celebrate the alleged holiday, but because that's my wife and I's anniversary (yes, we knew exactly what we were doing), and also because, well, I do have a life outside of the internet. Sometimes you gotta TOUCH grass instead of just smokin' it!

As usual, not a whole lot to report since the last blog update, but I did finally finish a couple of long-standing projects and lit a fire under my ass on some others as well, so there's some progress for ya! The biggest project, of course, was the long-winded deep dive review for The Legend of Korra that I finally, FINALLY got fully edited and posted.

Y'know, rewatching the show alongside one of those React Channels and then subsequently going back to make gifs for it on top of that was quite an experience. I hadn't rewatched Korra proper since the show ended way back in 2014, and going through each plot point I had forgotten about was like getting to see the show all over again from zero. Revisiting it also put me in close contact with Comment Sections again and dug up a lot of old frustrations about people's lukewarm and callous opinions of the show, which I don't care to go back to caring about. The whole thing was certainly was "an experience" to say the least, but hey, I accomplished what I set out to, and that's all that matters! So there!

In less terminally-online news, the other major project was uploading the entirety of one of my first novels to the site. My first self-published work "Period Piece" is now free to read right here on the site. And even though you could pay me $3 to read it on a Kindle, I'd almost prefer that you just read it here! Honestly, I regret ever thinking I could be a professional author, just writing whole entire novels and assuming people would be interested enough to ever read them, much less somehow turn that into a reasonable stream of revenue. I mean, I think my novels are pretty fun - and I clearly have a lot of fun writing them - but they're far from professional or marketable. They're just fun things I make to amuse myself. I'd love to think other people enjoy reading them, but I refuse to let that be the catalyst for writing more. Anyway, I've got like 3 or 4 other originals that will get posted in the future, so stay tuned for that!

Speaking of writing, I've been dangerously toying with the idea of - gulp - doing NaNoWriMo again this year. (Not official NaNoWriMo, since that turned out to be a shitshow, but like, unofficial style). I haven't done it in many years, but dredging up these old novels has reminded me that I've done this sort of thing before, and I can almost certainly do it again. It won't be EASY, naturally, but it's definitely POSSIBLE! I had so many "cool ideas" for stories kicking around in my head and I was so certain I'd have no problem working on them all bit by bit during downtime at work that I think I burnt myself out faster than any other hyperfixation I've ever put myself under. But I think now that I've had some space to re-explore that, I think it's time to dust off the old toy box and try to make lemonade out of lemons! Maybe! Hopefully? We'll see!

No progress on redesigning the Music page of the site just yet, but I have been tinkering around with the remaining 4 or so tracks on the upcoming album and I'm about to start the final push to get all this shit finalized. This album ultimately probably won't really sound all that different from my other outings, but it FEELS different. I'm going all out in terms of what I can push myself to learn and do musically, and setting myself up for even more madness later on. I already have another great concept for a NEW New album coming up after this one as well (knowing me, you'll NEVER GUESS what the theme is), but I'm trying not to think of things like I'm on a schedule or deadline. After all, I'm not a content creator, I'm just a hobbyist!

Meanwhile, in Real Life Stuff, things are just kinda plugging along. I'm on yet another new schedule now, built to accomodate my wife's new job hours, so I'm still reacclimating myself to the New Normal. I also kinda got in trouble last week for being late on a day the boss was hanging out in my office, so I have to be more careful and can't go fuckin' around all night like I used to, especially right now in crunch month. We're supposedly going to be busy with projects all summer as well, so things might get dicey for a bit. It's gonna be a weird year, methinks.

But hey, on a lighter note, anime! Some REAL good stuff coming out this season, especially Train To The End of The World and Jellyfish Can't Swim In The Night. You can all but EXPECT reviews for both in the pipeline...y'know, when the season ends in a couple of months. Cool!

Oh, and not that anybody will ever notice, but I changed the old "Watch List" button so it says "Reviews" now. Because even though I didn't want to call them "reviews", that's really what they are, so...yeah.

Also pondering the idea of adding some Game Reviews to the page as well. I've already kinda done that on Tumblr with a short-lived series I wrote a few entries for called "Unfairly Maligned Games", where I just gushed in detail about games I heavily enjoyed despite them having low scores or negative stigmas attached to them (Battleborn and We Happy Few, for example). Just something for future consideration, I suppose.

Anyway, gotta get back to whatever it was I was doing. Thanks for dropping by, all you beautiful invisible people from the ever-ethereal cloud. Remember to pirate Netflix shows, boycott Zionist businesses, and tell your friends about my hentai anime reviews! Later!

Lexxxi Luxe


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