Stardate 2024.12.24

Paola Rey
Oh right, yes, the blog entry. One sec, let me just, uh, finish up here...

Here we stand, on the edge, looking out into the yawning abyss of the imminent new year. Uncertainties bubble beneath us, while clouds of malice loom overhead. We've all had a pretty difficult year, some gruesomely worse than others. Battered, beleaguered, bruised but not beaten, those of us reading this blog entry have survived yet another year on this planet, amidst it all: the awful, the unlawful, and hopefully, a bit of the falafel as well. And while we could complain about what a bitch it's been, time marches on, and we must duly march with it.

Looking back though, I'd say 2024 was - overall - not too bad a year for me. Not an awesome year either, but I've certainly endured worse. I finally released a new album, one far more adventurous and daunting than anything else I've ever put out, I made a lot of changes to this here website that make it feel more like a home for me, and I made some rather drastic decisions about the time and energy I was putting into my other online presences. I also made an effort to get back into drawing on a larger scale, doubled down on my household duties as my wife continues to work her ass off at a job much harder than mine, and even made a sizeable dent in my comically oversized pile of unplayed Steam games.

It's just good to count your blessings once in a while, ya feel me?.

Anyway, as for what's currently going on right NOW, it's mostly just more of the samo-samo. I made some minor additions to the main page of the site, replaced the "recently updated" text blurb with some visible quick links instead. More importantly though, I finally made a little RSS thingy you can subscribe to! I have to manually update it because I'm just a manual motherfucker in everything I do, but hey, now you can follow along at your own leisure, either by bookmarking or by subscribing. Ain't that neat!

I also finished another super long (and long overdue) review, this time for ThunderCats Roar! Rewatching bits and pieces of the show and making gifs for it was a downright delight, as it reminded me of why I was so eager to write this thing in the first place. It really does feel like a love letter to the original show. Try as I might though, I couldn't exactly convey this in the review without being a little acidic toward the snooty fans of the original who actively review-bombed and harassed Roar's showrunners off of Twitter, so it comes off a bit angrier than I intended. Nonetheless, I'm not changing it (any more than I already did), because I think it's important to preserve what my actual honest opinions are in that regard. Predictably, it didn't go great when I posted it on the ThunderCats subreddit, but what did I expect?

Reminder to self: stop trying to advertise the site. It's not a business, it's just a cool little hole in the wall. People who want to see such a place WILL find it eventually.

And you know that's true, because I just recently hit 100k views! Can't say for sure how many of those are just bots looking for content to scrape, but if they are, all they're getting is strongly opinionated nonsense about C-list cartoons and anime, indie music that sounds like two scaly aliens fucking in the cargo hold of a spaceship, and amateur fetish doodles of a milfy monster eating college students. But, to all the non-AI visitors, I love you. Thank you for staying awhile at my sexy space station. Please take a complimentary condom and pair of panties on your way out.

Further projects are somewhat on hold for the moment, as my wife and I are gearing up to spend a certain holiday with a friend dealing with the anxiety of a burst pipe in the apartment building threatening to cause electrical problems and being unable to contact any form of building manager because nobody seems to know who actually OWNS the building anymore. Fortunately everything is fine for US (not so much for the people in the upper floors - not directly above us), so we at least get to enjoy our two annual tradition movies: Mark Morris' "The Hard Nut", and of course, Tokyo Godfathers. It just wouldn't be [this holiday season I've avoided naming] without them. After that though, I still have a week off from work, so I need to make sure I spend that time wisely!

In recent years, at the end of every year, I come up with a "theme" for what I want the following year to represent for me. An "Era", you might say. In previous years, I've done Villain Era, Wizard Era, and for 2024, Hermit Era. Each one was not so much about embodying the concept directly, but giving myself an image to loosely model my actions and behavior upon, to encourage certain smaller goals - like getting off Tumblr and Twitter (and Cohost, but that wasn't by choice) this year - and in general to have a clear goal in mind for the type of person I want to be when I reach the end of the NEXT year. Hermit Era I am proud to say was a definite success!

For 2025, I think I want to go with Rock Star Era. Musically, professionally, and unprofessionally, I'm gonna be a fucking rock star. I want to make myself feel like I deserve respect and adoration, but I also want that energy to be uninvisible to others, and for it to be contagious to them as well. I want my confidence and my outrageous lack of shame to embolden the people around me, that we may all embrace our deepest, truest selves, and dance not like no one is looking, but in SPITE of people who ARE looking. I want people to see me on stage with my ass out, and to inspire them to stand up beside me with their ass out too.

Y'know, metaphorically. I mean. Unless...?

Anyway, I'm tired and stressed out thanks to the unpredictable bullshit this accursed apartment building keeps throwing at us, so I'm done here. Gonna go watch some cartoons and dream of large women. See you again next month, whereupon I shall bring you another new refutation of time and space!

Allison Angel


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