WARNING: Adult Material Ahead

This site is openly and unabashedly not safe for work. Reader discretion is advised. If you are under 18 years of age, FUCK OFF.


Welcome to Space Vixen's Interstellar Lounge, my own little private space station slash strip club hosted out in the independent frontier of the internet!

I created this little haven for myself after a long spell of hopping from social media site to social media site, tired of tiptoeing around every bad executive decision and porn crackdown. Here, we are free from the binds of algorithms and comment sections, to privately enjoy the works I've created in my saucy little corner of cyberspace.

Come on in, have a look around, and enjoy your stay!

Added a new section to the Art page titled "Monique At The Potluck", an ongoing comic sequence featuring gratuitous vore and other assorted kinks.

Reduced the size of some gifs for various Review pages to help them load faster.

Just one music track left to finish before Bimbo In Limbo (the new album) is complete. Also creating thumbnails for other parts of the site to speed up page load times.

First time here?

Click the buttons in the left panel to navigate through my various creative endeavors. The right panel displays some of the things I'm currently enjoying. Some sections contain off-site links to marketplaces like Bandcamp and Amazon where you can buy my works, but everything else is more or less hosted on-site. I'm always adding new pages and sub-sections to the site and I update very frequently, so if you like anything you find here, be sure to Bookmark this page and visit again sometime!

If you need to report a problem or just want to chat, you can ping me on Twitter (yes I'm still calling it Twitter, fuck you Musky boy) @SpaceVixenMusic, or email me SpaceVixenMusic at Gmail.

Banner art and character icon by SeizeTheSubsea.
Space Vixen music logo by DieselTTV.
Additional artwork and designs by Helvetica Blanc.

All website framework and basic-ass graphic designs are my own. The whole site is built and managed exclusively by me. Thanks for visiting!